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Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Training PSAK-24 Revisi Tahun 2013

Unknown     12/06/2015  No comments
Training PSAK-24 Revisi Tahun 2013

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

Other Comprehensive Income ( OCI )

Unknown     12/05/2015  No comments

An entry that is generally found in the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet. Accumulated other comprehensive income is used to sum up unrealized gains and losses because those items have not been settled.  

PSAK 24 (Imbalan Kerja) Revisi 2013 telah efektif mulai tanggal 1 Januari 2015 dan berlaku retrospektif. PSAK 24R ini mengadopsi standar international IAS 19R.

Minggu, 29 November 2015

Aktuaria Lokal

Unknown     11/29/2015  No comments

Kamis, 26 November 2015

Jasa Aktuaris

Unknown     11/26/2015  No comments

Dikutip dari tempo.CO (  /tempoCO/relaksasi-wajib-aktuaris-bagi-asuransi-untuk-efisiensi  ) menyebutkan bahwa, Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 53/PMK.010/2012 menyebutkan penilaian terhadap liabilitas dalam bentuk cadangan wajib dilakukan oleh aktuaris perusahaan. Dalam aturan itu, perusahaan asuransi umum diberikan kelonggaran menggunakan Jasa Aktuaris dari perusahaan konsultan aktuaria yang tidak terafiliasi dengan perusahaan paling lambat pada 31 Desember 2014 atau wajib dilakukan mulai awal tahun ini.

Saat ini 10 perusahaan asuransi yang menggunakan jasa aktuaris perusahaan murni atau bukan dari konsultan aktuaria dari total 84 perusahaan asuransi umum. Ternyata penyebabnya adalah dari kurangnya tenaga aktuaris.

Jumat, 20 November 2015

PSAK-24 18-Nov-2015

Unknown     11/20/2015  No comments

Kamis, 19 November 2015

List of Services

Unknown     11/19/2015  No comments

As Actuarial Consultants, we are informed in many disciplines, including statistics, economics, law, probability, finance and risk assessment. We deliver the best interest of the client. 
Our services are :

1. Actuarial
2. Insurance
3. Financial Services
4. Employee Benefit
5. Training & Consultancy

Selasa, 17 November 2015

Tama Aktuaria Indonesia

Unknown     11/17/2015  No comments

To give each and every customer the level of service, assistance and respect that we would want for ourselves. Providing our customers with consultants who possess the expertise and internal dedication to customer service to facilitate this level of performance
We use mathematical and statistical modeling skills to assist our clients in evaluating and addressing risk. We offer solutions so our clients may manage and prepare for the potential financial consequences of uncertain future events

Our actuaries combine a broad range of expertise with specialized knowledge of specific risks allowing us to provide independent, objective advice. We are committed to unparalleled expertise in actuarial and risk sciences, continually renewed by the breadth of our consultant's experiences and independent research. We continuously research methods for evaluating, measuring, and reporting on risk and provide clear, timely communications in the three primary areas of risk for organizations: property and casualty, life and annuity, and healthcare

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Training : Dampak Perubahan Penerapan PSAK-24 Revisi Tahun 2013 pada Perusahaan (Desember 2015)

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